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The Great Controversy - vol. 5 of the "Conflict of the Ages" series
Author - Ellen G. White
Her writings covered a broad range of subjects, including religion, social relationships, prophecy, publishing, nutrition, creationism, agriculture, theology, evangelism, Christian lifestyle, education, and health. She advocated vegetarianism. She promoted and has been instrumental in the establishment of schools and medical centers all over the world, with the most renowned being Andrews University in Michigan and the Loma Linda University and Medical Center in California.
During her lifetime she wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books. As of 2019 more than 200 White titles are available in English, including compilations from her 100,000 pages of manuscript published by the Ellen G. White Estate, which are accessible at the Adventist Book Center. Her most notable books are Steps to Christ, The Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy. -- Ellen G. White - Wikipedia
How to Use the QR Codes
Exciting new feature provides additional resources in this unique version of the Great Controversy

Focus your cell phone camera on the QR code at the beginning of each Great Controversy chapter in the book to access additional audiovisual and print resources on the internet that are related to chapter’s content. A colored symbol (typically yellow) will display. Tap the symbol and the website link will display. Tap the website link (when displayed some phones may automatically go to the website) and your phone will display the website coded into the QR code.
Example: This QR code is for Great Controversy, Chapter 4, “The Waldenses”
Instead of using the QR code you may visit the website directly at My Freedom In Truth | Sharing Hope. Click on the “Chapter” tab to view the list of Great Controversy chapters.
Do you prefer a language other than English or Spanish? Visit this website:
My Language My Life : Explore in over 180 languages
Ellen G. White® Estate: Ellen G. White - A Brief Biography (whiteestate.org)
Questions and Answers
Ellen G. White® Estate: Ellen G. White Estate: Questions and Answers About Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White® Estate: The Seventh-day Adventist Church's Understanding of Ellen White's Authority (whiteestate.org)
Best Quotes
Computer Desktop Wallpaper:
Top 200 Ellen G. White Quotes (2023 Update) - Quotefancy
110 Ellen G White quotes ideas | ellen g white, quotes white, ellen white (pinterest.com)
Audio Books
The Great Controversy--Audio Book by Ellen G. White (ellenwhite.info)
Ellen G. White: Audio Books Online (ellenwhite.info)
Ellen G. White® Estate: Books Online (whiteestate.org)
PDF - "The Great Controversy"
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